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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jing Fong - Dim Sum in NYC Chinatown

I didn't really know what I was in for when I joined my friends for lunch in Chinatown last weekend.  I had never been to a Dim Sum restaurant before, and I had no idea what it was.  Mary is of Chinese heritage, and she found the restaurant, Jing Fong, online.  It's located off of Canal Street and not far from the subway station.



From the outside, it looked small.  But when we entered, there was a large escalator which took us to the restaurant.  I was shocked at the size of it.



It was quite chaotic.  Servers came around to our table, pushing carts with different things on them.  I think I would've been completely overwhelmed if it weren't for Mary.  She speaks Cantonese, so she told the servers exactly what we wanted.





Seriously, I don't know how I would've managed in that restaurant without Mary. But it was a fun experience, and I got to try a lot of different foods. Only, I'm afraid that if I went back, I would have no idea what to get.


I think I got fussed at for taking this picture.  A woman behind me said something about a camera and buying fruit.  So after that, I was hesitant to take more photos, though the colors of Chinatown and street vendors are really photogenic.


I did, however, snap a photo of the purses.  When you walk down Canal Street, you'll here people saying, "Gucci, Louis, Fendi, Prada," trying to lure you in to purchase designer knock-offs.  They'll take you inside somewhere - they can't sell the good knock-offs on the street.


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