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Friday, May 29, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 5] - More Kiddie Gambling

To further our true Vegas experience (this is mainly a bring-back-memories motive), we had to visit the arcade area. It was grosser than I remembered (though I don’t remember much). It could be really cute – it just needs a major remodel. Most of the arcade games were broken and had duct tape over them. I saw no prize I needed (thank goodness!) at any of the carnival booths. In the center of the crazy, loud arcade was a small circus ring with minimal seating, where shows are performed periodically throughout the day.


The games were almost exactly the same as those at Excalibur. I recommend doing one arcade or the other (if either).

I played some Ski Ball and a jump rope game that was rigged, but after that, I felt no need to stick around.

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