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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 7] - Back Down the Strip

This was our day to redo what we wanted and get some shopping done. Rachel wanted to find a charm for her travel charm bracelet and she had seen one (though more expensive than she cared to pay) at the M&M Store, so we headed in that direction.



Rachel decided to hold off on the M&M charm. She really wanted a gold dice charm (that's why it's difficult to find her charms - she prefers that they're gold so they match her bracelet).

We checked out the Grand Canyon store. I bought a girly "Vegas Princess" tote and magnet. I should've gotten the luggage tag instead of the magnet, but the magnet was a dollar cheaper, so I went for it (though it's not like I paid). Warning to families with young children - the Grand Canyon store contains a good bit of naughty souvenirs, including a toy parrot that squawks, "F*** You!" Though they have some cute children's clothing upstairs, that's also where they keep the adult toys. This store has a very bad layout, dispersing the naughty souvenirs everywhere instead of in one corner.

We then went over to MGM Grand and searched Rainforest Cafe for gold charms.


We later stumbled across some gold dice earrings at MGM's gift shop. Rachel bought those to convert into a charm once she got home (it turned out nicely).

While we were there, we had to stop by and see the lions. It just so happened that they had the boy lion out and were playing with him.


He was very cute and reminded us of our dog and how she plays.




I started by taking pictures of the lion; then I found it to be more amusing to take pictures of the people trying to take pictures of the lion.





Pretty crazy. I had a decent view on the escalator on the way out, though.



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