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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Destin, Florida [Day 2] - Beach

We all woke up relatively early the next morning (I'm thinking 7:00, which is actually 8:00 our time). We ate cereal for breakfast, then headed down to the beach around 9:00.

Dad rented an umbrella and chairs for us for the week. We had the spot on the end, in front of our unit. In the past, we haven't rented an umbrella - we just put our personal umbrellas up behind the STAR umbrellas. However, I quite enjoyed having a reserved umbrella. You didn't have to fight for your spot in the morning, and it saved us the trouble of lugging an extra umbrella down (plus once we added our two chairs, the unit's two chairs, and the STAR chairs, we had enough for all six of us). There didn't seem to be a lot of people who didn't rent an umbrella.

Dad was taking pictures of us from the balcony.

A little bit after noon, we headed up for lunch. We fixed sandwiches and ate on our nice, open balcony. While eating Teddy Grahams, Rachel noticed a recipe for ice cream Teddy Graham sandwiches and thought it sounded good. So, we went inside to make some with the only ice cream we had - cookie dough. We put the teddy grahams in the freezer for later, then headed back down to the beach.

Pirate tour passing by

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