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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 4 - Cookout, Eat In

We decided that it was time for a meal in. So, we didn't leave the beach until after five. Dad went to make steak at the grills over by the pool, and we watched TV and played games.

After dinner, we spent an hour or so conducted a practice interview for Junior Miss. It was funny and maybe somewhat beneficial, but most of the questions were silly and we definitely lost focus towards the end.

When we finally finished the interview, we headed to the pool to swim. The hours on the information sheet said that the pool closed at 10, but the sign at the pool said it closed at 11. Two years ago, I remember staying much later than that. However, we weren't the only ones at the pool. There were a bunch of little kids. I thought it was super late for little kids to be swimming, but I suppose on vacation there is no bedtime. We swam for a little over half an hour, then had enough and went up to the condo to get ready for bed.

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