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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Destin, Florida [Day 8] - Destin Commons and Johnny Rocket's

We needed to swing by Bass Pro Shop to see if they had any lifevests (mine is beginning to show some wear). They did... there just weren't any cute enough for me.

They were having a Fourth of July sale. Rachel got a $5 tee-shirt with the American flag and a bass in front of it. It's so redneck.

We went into Build-A-Bear to get a Destin bear tee-shirt for Rachel. I don't know why she wanted it. I suppose to dress a bear (that would make sense, wouldn't it?).

We wanted to eat lunch at Johnny Rocket's - it's tradition. Johnny Rocket's didn't open until 11:00, so we had about 40 minutes. I had been asking about a Disney store, and there's a Disney Character Outlet at Silver Sands, so we decided to drive to Silver Sands, then come back for lunch at Johnny Rockets, then hit the road.

The traffic was fine until we wanted to get into Silver Sand's. Dad was in the left turn lane, and the light was very short (not to mention the cars were taking their sweet time turning). Only four cars made it through each light. We sat there about twenty minutes until we got into Silver Sands. We headed directly to the Disney Character Outlet and... in it's place was a Levi's. What the heck? I don't want Levi's! I want Disney! We circled Silver Sand's just to make sure it hadn't moved to a different location. Nope.. wasn't there.

So, we went back to Destin Commons, and stood right in front of the door to Johnny Rocket's until they let us in.

We were the first seated, and we all knew exactly what we wanted to order (for me this was the Original - no mayo). Our food was brought promptly, and we ate in good time.

We then loaded up and headed back...

As you can see, everyone fell asleep but me.

We made good time (with few stops) and got home in time to go out on the lake and watch fireworks.

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