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Saturday, November 14, 2009

WDW Labor Day Weekend [Day 1] - Wishes Nighttime Spectacular from BLT

After IllumiNations, we fought with the crowd to get out of the park (it really wasn't that bad) and took the monorail back to the resort. We noticed people lined up on balconies (there's a public balcony on every floor), as well as the Skyway bridge, and we saw the people out on the patios of the Top of the World Lounge and California Grill. We raced to our room, and I recalled reading somewhere (I'm thinking AllEarsNet) that the music for the fireworks was on channel 20, so I blasted it so we could hear it on the balcony (I believe it was at Volume 72 ). It was pretty cool, having the sound and being able to view the fireworks privately, not having to fight the crowd or worry about people obstructing the view. My photos are even worse here: I got frustrated with the photos and decided to take video of the conclusion.

The fireworks are shot from behind the castle quite a ways, so we actually could see them from inside our room, but in order to see the castle, we had to be out on the balcony.


After the fireworks, Rachel and I went down to the pool to sit in the hot tub. We had the pool to ourselves, and it was quite peaceful. We decided that we liked the view of BLT better from the back than from the front. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera to take a picture. But it was really nice being able to look out at the lake while sitting in the hot tub.

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