We accidentally took the long way. Drove by Fort Wilderness and Port Orleans. It was cool, though, because I'd actually never been by either resort.
Dad went to go FP Soarin' and Mom, Rachel, and I hung out in Innoventions. I learned how velcro was made and how it got its name. It's a blend (AP lit word right there) of the words 'velour' and 'crochet.' The man who invented velcro got the idea when his dog came inside from the woods over thanksgiving and had those little prickly things (cockleburrs?) stuck in his fur.
After Dad came back, Rachel wanted to...
any guesses?
Drink Coke.
So we went to Club Cool and she drank Cokes. I really don't understand her obsession over this attraction. I guess she likes free stuff.
After that, we headed over to Test Track and stood in line for thirty minutes. We were behind a fun family who had been on Test Track multiple times that week because their son was just tall enough to ride and loved it. The mom asked our opinion on which Mission:Space they should take him on. We suggested they go on green first because it provided the same thrill without the difficulty breathing... send the dad on orange first and see how he thought their son would do.
The showroom after Test Track was a disappointment. The best vehicle they had was the 2010 Camaro (love this car!) that they kept locked with a not-so-friendly CM there to tell people about it. Only she wouldn't answer any of our questions. Then these guys came up and she talked away to them. Hmph.
No Hummers. No convertibles. Just a bunch of hybrid vehicles. None very attractive. Nothing I'd drive. I suppose this is the showroom after the "economy crisis."
After Test Track, it was time for our Soarin' FPs. Great timing. Soarin' was amazing, as always. This attraction makes me happy. I like the smell of oranges. Rachel says it's her favorite WDW scent.
After Soarin, it was about time to be on our way, but we decided to check out the new version of Spaceship Earth (we had yet to be on it). It was pretty cool. I was a little disappointed with the last room, though. I thought they would go a little bit further. The create your future part was cool, though. Mainly because Rachel looked especially silly in her picture, so it was funny for her head to keep popping up. I don't think she knew her picture was being taken.
When we got out, Mom and Dad's pictures were on the big world map. Rachel wanted to find our pictures around the room, but Mom and Dad went on. We'll have to check this area out some more later.
Rachel had been wanting a frozen banana all weekend (she also wanted a pineapple dole whip, but that didn't happen), so Dad and I went to get us ice cream while Rachel went to get some celebration buttons. She wanted a few birthday buttons for friends. She must've sweet-talked the CM over there because she came back with a bag full of buttons... just married, anniversary, magical gatherings... he gave her every button!
After that, we had to go home.
It was a very fun trip. We all had a blast. It was cool having no real plan except to do what we wanted to do.... and EAT! Ah, this was a good food trip. We'll have to do this again, sometime!
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