And in celebration of First Friday, I'm going to post a few photos from the Chick-fil-a bowl.
I purchased tickets at 8:00 the day they went on sale for this....
First 600 people to purchase tickets get lower deck - MY BUTT! Thanks a lot, Clemson Student Ticket Office, for screwing something up yet again. You take pride in never doing anything fairly, don't you?
Here I am wearing my Andre Ellington jersey that I didn't get autographed on Fan Appreciation Day.
Also, Andre - if you happen to be out there in the blogosphere - I know you must be really excited, right now. ESPN, ABC... who cares? You know you've really made it big when an architecture student travel blogger decides to write about you.
And here's a video of the Clemson Tiger Fans leaving the stadium. Watch it in HD.
Can't wait for the First Friday Parade this evening and the game in Death Valley tomorrow!
Though I am not excited for that horribly dreadful "Orange Empire" entry song by Lee Brice. In case you haven't heard, it's a very unfortunate cross between country and an attempt to pump people up. I'm going to embed this terribleness into my blog post just so that you can have the joy of listening to it.
Notice that out of the 36,525 people who have listened to it, only 123 have liked it and 23 have commented.
I am a little unsure of when they're going to play it. Hopefully we're all mistaken, and it's just something they play during halftime or a timeout or something... rather than The 25 Most Exciting Seconds in College Football which is classic and shouldn't be tampered with. Not to mention, I bet if you polled the football team, less than a quarter of the players are fans of country music...
Still, it should be a great game back in Death Valley!
C-L-E-M-S-O-N T-I-G-E-RRRRRR-S! Fight, Tigers! Fight, Tigers! Fight, fight, fight!!!
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