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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 1 - Noodles and Leno

Rachel picked out our dining location, Noodles, at Bellagio. Here's the resort's description:

Executive Chef Patrick Lee offers authentic regional noodle dishes from Thailand, Japan, China, and Vietnam.

We were seated quickly by a graceful young Asian lady (I would guess Korean). The walls were white and shelves were filled with glass jars of noodles and such. Mom remarked that the decor made it feel more like we were sitting in a store than in a restaurant. I liked the simple decor. I ordered Kim Che with brown rice, Rachel ordered a vegetable platter with steamed rice, Dad ordered some noodle dish, and I don't recall what Mom ordered. We all ate each other's food.

We walked to the Mirage for Jay Leno. By the time we were there, I was already exhausted. The show opened with an acapella group, the Alley Cats. They were entertaining, but I couldn't keep from closing my eyes. Then Jay Leno came out. Some of his material was reused (actually I believe most of it was). There were some Vegas-specific jokes, though. Still, I couldn't help closing my eyes... and dozing off. My dad would wake me. Then he'd fall asleep and I'd wake him. It was back and forth. To make matters worse, the air-conditioner was on full-blast and I was FREEZING, and I couldn't find a position to keep warm and comfortable. I was glad when the show was over.

We walked back to Bellagio and collapsed in bed.

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