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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 2] - Bellagio Pool

I did not want to get out of bed the next day. It was soooooooo comfy!!!

We finally got up around 10:30. Dad had to go pick up our Fall Out Boy concert tickets from across the street (looking out our window.... quite a [dangerous] hike, actually), so he brought us breakfast - a yogurt bowl and three pastries from Jean-Philippe Patisserie... that totalled around $30!

Rachel and I put on swimsuits and lathered on some sunscreen then headed to the pool. We were staying in the Spa Tower and used the guest elevators, so we did not have to get carded because the only way we could have been down there was if we were guests because they card at the elevators. We were each handed two white towels. They were long and rather plush. However, one of my towels had brown stains on it... probably from Coke or coffee or maybe tanning lotion. Compared to the pool at the Mirage, Bellagio's pool wasn't crowded at all (this might've had something to do with the slightly cooler temperature). Still, guests were tossing single towels in chairs so that they could save them for later. We found two chairs by the main pool and laid out. There was an empty chair with a white towel in it beside me (no one ever came to sit in that chair). Mom and Dad joined us an hour or so later.

We tried to swim, but the pool water was FREEZING. The hot tub was more comfortable, though not exactly hot. It was the temperature the main pool should have been.

Weird face I am making. Rachel looks cute, as always. I'm about to delete this from Facebook (note to self: look at pictures before uploading! xD)


Around 2:30, we got a late lunch/early dinner from Cafe Gelato. I got the seafood wrap that I shared with Rachel, and Dad got a hot sandwich of some sort. And we got two diet cokes. The bill totalled $30. The fountain drinks cost $3.75 a piece!

We then went back to the room to shower and get ready for the concert. Rachel burned. She hadn't put sunscreen on her legs, and they were bright red! My legs were a little pink, but apparently I hadn't rubbed my sunscreen all the way to my hairline because I had a strip of red on my forehead!

Rachel wore white shirts with a halter/tube top (it's a tube top with this other fabric acting like a halter. Weird. And I wore a black knit dress over a pink cami. We both had killer shoes. I wish they were visible in this picture.


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