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Friday, April 17, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 2] - Fall Out Boy Concert

We took a taxi from Bellagio to the Palms. Mom and Dad weren't going to the concert, but we didn't want to get in a cab all by ourselves in Vegas (and I don't think Mom and Dad would want that, either). Our cab driver stopped at every light possible, trying to jack up the price.

The Palms was a disappointment. It was in a terrible location off the strip. The casino was loud and smokey without much decor. If I were Hugh Hefner, I'd take my name off it (he'd actually had his birthday party there the night before!).

We were about half an hour early for the concert, so we walked around in search of food.... I think. I'm not sure. We just followed Dad. We walked through this crowded food court but didn't get anything. Finally, we decided to just go on in.

We got these little rubber Metro Station Hey Monday bracelets, which was the indicator that there were other bands there. All we knew was that Fall Out Boy was going to be there (Dad had booked the concert for us). We were excited about Metro Station - we know a few of their songs, and Miley Cyrus's older brother and Mitchell Musso's older brother are in the band.

There was rumor all night that Miley Cyrus was there. However, she was at the CMAs at MGM Grand (we didn't know that the CMAs were that night before we bought the Fall Out Boy tickets.... Rachel wanted to see Miley Cyrus).

Cricket was hosting the event. Apparently that's some mobile company in Vegas. They kept us entertained before the concert with scrolling "shout outs." You could send text messages and they might scroll across the screen. I was bored and sent six over about 45 minutes. I only saw one scroll across the screen, and it was in response to someone else's whose message had long scrolled by. (I just remembered they took our picture and told us we could download it online... only I'm having trouble locating it)

Now, we were shown to our seats by an usher. She seemed like a complete airhead. We showed her our tickets and she started to tell us to go somewhere else, then turned and looked at the wall for the section indicator and changed her mind. We had been seated for almost an hour, and the first band, Hey Monday (had never heard of them before), had just started when a lady and her son come down the row. The lady tells me I'm in her son's seat. I pull out my ticket to show that no... I'm supposed to be seated here. The tickets looked exactly the same. I was worried they sold us the same seat (not going to be a big problem considering the concert wasn't exactly packed). However, I noticed that they were on row M and we were on row L. Turns out airhead usher had seated us in the wrong row. It was the same usher seating them, and she apologized to us and told us we actually had better seats - the first row of the section.

Hey Monday's music was a little too loud for me. A little too angry. The lead singer was a girl and she hardly talked, except in attempt for people to do the "lighter" thing.





Didn't care for her outfit.

I definitely took too many pictures of Hey Monday.


Rachel thought the girl in the black was Miley Cyrus. I wasted a lot of battery power using super zoom to take pictures of her.


There was a ten to fifteen minute break in between each band so they could switch out the instruments and put up a new backdrop.

Next band was All Time Low. Hadn't heard of them before, either.


Mic check!

This guy was in charge of swapping the guitars for Hey Monday and All Time Low.


I liked this band better... the songs weren't nearly as loud or angry. It was good dance music. But boy did they love to curse! He spat out the "f-bomb" every other word! I was shocked. I didn't know they could speak like that live at a concert. And there were a lot of children there! I noticed a family with two 10-12 year old children walk out as soon as the lead singer from All Time Low opened his mouth. I'm sure their kids had heard Fall Out Boy edited versions on Radio Disney and knew that Hannah Montana's brother was in Metro Station and figured it would be a fun event for the kiddos. I hope they requested a refund.





Next band was Cobra Starship. Yeah... I hadn't heard of them.


Apparently the previous night at Bamboozle, the lead singer from Cobra Starship fell off the stage and twisted his ankle. Then drank away the pain. They wheeled him out on the stage in a wheelchair, and he got up and stumbled around the stage with a cane. This guy was even more fond of swearing. He even admitted that he just wanted to curse. Now, when he was telling us about his ankle and how he drank away the pain, he informed us that it was important that he keep up his dosage. He unscrewed his cane to reveal a flask of vodka! I wish I'd taken a picture of that! He was completely intoxicated. The last song, he didn't even sing - he just stumbled around the stage while one of the guitarists took over.



Next band was Metro Station.... we knew them!!!

We were super excited because Mitchell Musso came out to introduce his brother's band!

Blurry picture... but that's him. He wouldn't stop moving so I could take it.

My camera was dying, so I don't have any Metro Station pictures, but Rachel took a lot. I'll add her pictures later.

Now.... Fall Out Boy!


They came out dressed super cute... like the Jonas Brothers!




Then they changed into their emo clothes...




Pete Wentz did all of the talking. The lead singer didn't speak in between songs at all.

This was awesome... they turned the lights off and their guitars lit up!


And that guy from Rob and Big came to sing that song that he sings with them... lol




And, for the finale, Pete Wentz let a bunch of crazy fans touch him.

Now the concert lasted four hours. And Dad was too cheap to get a cab back to the resort. So when they realized how long it lasted, they went to the movie theater in the resort. And that only lasted two hours... if they'd gone a little earlier, they could've seen two movies. Dad won three dollars at a craps table.

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