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Friday, April 17, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 2] - Dinner?

Now, we still hadn't eaten dinner. I wasn't really hungry, but Dad led us to Cafe Bellagio. We had to wait in a line to be seated, and my feet were KILLING ME!!! My cute new pink heels from Cinderella of Boston (little shoes for women!) weren't very comfortable. We were finally seated, and some lady ran by our table (exaggerating... she said while walking swiftly) and muttered something along the lines of "I'll be with you in a minute." Well.... we sat their for fifteen minutes and she still hadn't been with us.

In the meantime, we had the opportunity to read the menu and realize how incredibly overpriced everything was. A bowl of cereal... for $7! For $7, you could buy a gallon of milk and a box of cereal... and even a bowl and spoon! Who in their right mind would spend $7 on Captain Crunch?

Tired of sitting there and frustrated with the waitress we hadn't even spoken to, we walked out.

The John Philippe Patisserie was on the way to our room, and I suggested we just eat crepes for dinner. I got a chocolate crepe. And Dad and Rachel got something fruity. Mom just picked off ours. They were very yummy - much better than Carolina Crepes!

Once again, we went back to the room exhausted.

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