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Friday, April 17, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 3] - World of Coca Cola

We woke up a little earlier, this time, but once again, it was difficult to get out of bed. I suggested to Rachel that we head towards Coca Cola World and M&M World, then eat lunch at Rainforest Cafe. She liked it, and Mom liked it, so we told Dad that's what we were going to do.

Now Dad, at this hour, was standing in line at Tix 4 Tonight. He called us three or four times asking if we wanted this show or that show. He came back empty-handed. So we sent him back for breakfast.

The lady in front of him bought the last two yogurts. But Dad did get quiche. And it was great. I don't even like quiche!

So we headed towards Coca Cola World. But Dad stopped at the Hawaiian market to check Tix 4 Tonight. Rachel had spotted a deal - drinks for $1, so we went back to get a Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper.

After Dad had checked out the tickets, we had to stop at Walgreens so he could by some Advil. This Walgreens was huge.

Rachel with her "big boy drink"

We then browsed the Grand Canyon gift shop before making it to World of Coca Cola.


They actually had a large selection of Diet Coke products. That's all I drink, ever since I was a little kid. Usually it's difficult to find Diet Coke merchandise. I suppose with the growing 'diet' trend, it's coming more popular.










We didn't buy anything there. Other than shopping, there's not much to do. They do have a "soda fountain" upstairs. You can also shrinkwrap a bottle, like at Club Cool in Epcot, except with aluminum bottles instead of plastic. Rachel wanted one, but didn't get it.

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