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Monday, June 1, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 6] - ESPN Zone

We first did ESPN Zone in Downtown Disney at Disneyland in California, and it was a lot of fun. This isn’t really kiddie gambling – you pay for what you play. There are no prizes; you just have fun. It’s sports-themed, and most of the games are active. With a coupon, we got 20 extra points with our purchase. We ended up with 150 points (all on one card), I believe. Dad said this was the best deal of the week.

Rachel and I first headed to the air hockey table and played a game. We then tried (miniature) bowling. They had six lanes, but only three were broken. The one we were at only had nine pins, which was annoying because you couldn’t get a strike. The pins were pulled up by strings, and in the closed lanes, the pins had knotted together. When we went back later for another game, the machine started eating the balls.

We then played some golf (I got booted the first round, but Rachel surprisingly continued on to the second), raced snowmobiles, played basketball, shot at targets, and rowed (this game was a lot of fun, but exhausting – we were the high scorers of the day). We spent maybe two hours in ESPN Zone. Besides the four broken bowling lanes, the arcade was in great shape. It was a lot more fun to play knowing that nothing was at stake. It’s just fun. I highly recommend (and if you want to find teenage boys – this is the place to go!).

And if you plan to go to ESPN Zone again (any location), save your card – there’s a five dollar new card activation fee.

After ESPN Zone, we got some ice cream from Ben and Jerry's in New York New York.




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