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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Las Vegas Spring Break [Day 7] - Legends in Concert

While we were waiting in line to see "I Lost My 'M' in Vegas," Dad, of course, had to stop by his favorite place, Tix 4 Tonight. After buying PEEPShow tickets, he realized that you had to be 18 and older to get in. He then made them take the tickets back and purchased Legends in Concert Tickets.

It had moved from The Imperial Palace to Harrah's. We got our picture taken with the cutest Elvis Impersonator before entering the theater.


We were seated at a table in the back corner. We were rather disappointed with our seats. Perhaps we had been discussing this loudly, or maybe the usher was just being nice, but right before the show started, he asked us if we'd like to sit in the front and lead us to the fifth or sixth row. It was a nice upgrade.

The show opened with Jay Leno of all people (ironic we had just seen him). Then we saw Garth Brooks. He was good, but I wasn't really familiar with Garth Brook's music. Then there was a Whitney Houston, who I liked. Then the Temptations looked nothing like the Temptations and varied greatly in age, but they sounded good. And, of course, an Elvis who was super cute and really good. It was a cute show - one of the most entertaining we saw all week, actually. Excluding the Fall Out Boy Concert that only Rachel and I saw, this was definitely the best show we saw all week. (Such a bummer that we ended up with lame shows this week - the last time we were in Vegas, we saw Mamma Mia, Blue Man Group, and Mystere and loved all of them.)

As we were leaving Harrah's, the Volcano across the street at the Mirage was going off, so we stopped to watch.



We then went inside to try and find the white tigers (they had been relocated) but had no luck - they moved them back to wear the dolphins are, and of course the exhibit was closed.

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