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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Charleston Water Park

When I first heard the option of going to the Water Park instead of walking around the Battery, I flipped out, imagining waterslides and wave pools. This, I was not prepared for.

However, it turns out that the Water Park was actually a park with water alongside the water. It was cute and fun to explore.

Guests are welcome to wade in the first two tiers of the fountain (however, climbing on the fountain is forbidden).

Helen is all about "trick pics."

This squirrel must be used to people. He let me get very close to take his picture.

It then started to rain, and we boarded the bus to head back home.

I enjoyed Charleston. It was a nice "literary" adventure. I probably wouldn't do those things if I went by myself, but I had a great time and would like to visit, again - definitely for a longer period of time.

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