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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Destin, Florida [Day 6] - Harry T's

We had a little bit of difficulty finding Harry T's. We knew it was in HarborWalk Village, but we weren't sure where. We finally decided to park in the parking garage (free parking) and walk around to find it.

Meredith spotted it, first.

We knew to request outside seating. The Wrights had requested inside seating after they had problems with Emily overheating at The Back Porch, but it turned out that their inside wasn't air-conditioned.

We were seated immediately at two picnic tables that they shoved together in the back. It was a great location - we were right beside the harbor and could watch boats come in and out.

It was very breezy, so heat wasn't a problem at all. The only thing I found slightly annoying about our table was that it was on the dock, so a lot of people walked by. We were also right by the fish food dispenser, and we had some kids buy fish food and stop by our table to feed the fish.

The menu was huge, and I was confused on what to order. I finally settled on a buffalo chicken sandwich.

It didn't take long for our food to arrive. There was a bit of inconsistancy among our entrees. Helen and I ordered the same thing, and only Helen's came with a pickle. Mom didn't get a pickle, either.

The buffalo chicken sandwich was good. It was kinda spicy and very messy, though, so I didn't eat much of it. There was too much meat for the bun, and I ended up just eating the chicken. Rachel had the same problem with her tuna sandwich. It fell apart on her.

It was still light out when we were finished. It was nowhere near the time the fireworks would go off. So, we decided to wander around Harbour Walk for a while.

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