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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Destin, Florida [Day 7] - Beach

It was our last full day in Destin. By now, we have this down to a routine - wake up, eat breakfast, BEACH.

There were a lot more umbrellas on the beach, today. We figured that people had come in for the Fourth.

We were stuck beside the drunks, again. They taught us a drinking game - shotgun. Apparently, it is quicker to cut a hole in the bottom instead of trying to drink it out of the top. This one girl could puncture a beer can with her teeth. It was hardcore.

We decided to eat in, tonight, so we'd have more time for putt-putt and go-carts at The Track. We finally left the beach at 5:00. I don't think any of us wanted to go, though Meredith was the most resistant (Rachel was a close second).

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