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Saturday, November 14, 2009

WDW Labor Day Weekend [Day 1] - Dinner at San Angel Inn

I had made the ADRs online, but they were not showing up. I had read several warnings of this, which is why I printed out multiple copies of my ADR confirmations. However, Mumsy did not bring the San Angel ADR confirmation sheet like I had Rachel tell her to on the phone. She swears she didn't know. It was back at BLT and it would be at least 45 minutes to go there, get it, and come back. So, we're getting agitated, and I think the poor Mexican hostess was scared there was about to be a fight because she decided to take our word for it and give us a table (she turned several people in front of us without reservations away).

I was a bit surprised at the menu. The prices were very high, and there wasn't much selection. Rachel and Dad ordered entrees, and Mom and I got appetizers. My appetizer turned out to be three chips with lettuce and guacamole and crab meat piled on top. Not very filling. Luckily, Rachel and Dad had enough food to share. It was aight.

Our waitress noticed our birthday buttons, and they brought us both desserts and sang to us in Spanish. It was pretty cool.

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