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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 2 - Back to Magic Kingdom!

So, we leave our room and head back to MK. On the elevator, Dad has a conversation with himself on whether we should walk or ride the monorail to MK. Here's a small portion of it.

Dad: "Do you guys want to walk or ride the monorail?"
Us: "We don't care."
Dad: "We should probably walk to burn off calories from breakfast."
Me: "Okay, let's walk."
Dad: "Okay, we can ride the monorail."
Dad: "But it's not that far of a walk."
Dad: "But it's hot outside."
Dad: "But it's probably faster to walk."
Rachel: "Dad... Victoria just said we should walk. What the heck? Why are you arguing with yourself? We're walking."

A lobby picture I snapped as we began our walk.

We got into MK and noticed the train was pulling up to the Main Street Station. It had been an awfully long time since we'd ridden the train, so we decided to hop on.

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