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Saturday, November 14, 2009

WDW Labor Day Weekend [Day 2] - A Little Bit of Shopping

After breakfast, we stopped by the Sundries shop. This is where my parents bought my WDW luggage, and we wanted to add another piece to the collection. I chose the large rolling suitcase (for long trips ). Rachel bought a toothbrush (she forgot hers). She was quite disappointed to find that their toothbrushes were just regular old toothbrushes without Mickey Mouse designs. She told me she really wanted a Mickey Mouse toothbrush and asked if I thought she'd be able to find one somewhere else. I told her to get the toothbrush and brush her teeth.

Mother asked if they did resort to resort delivery, but we were told that it takes a while. Park to resort delivery is quite fast, but they typically don't deliver items from one resort to another and that it has to go somewhere else first and can take three or four days. So, we decided just to take the suitcase with us since we were going back to the resort to drop off our cakes and posters (and let Rachel brush her teeth), anyway.

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