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Saturday, November 14, 2009

WDW Labor Day Weekend [Day 2] - Cinderella's Royal Table

After HoP, it was time to go to the castle....

For Cinderella's Royal Table!!!!!!!

Okay, so I left this part out to surprise you guys (then I went and posted a semi-review on someone else's thread, so I might've ruined it for you)....

When we got to MK that morning, as soon as we got into the park, Dad turned around and asked us, "If you eat at 11:00 will you be hungry at 4:30?" We just kind of stared at him blankly. Then he said, "I think I can get us reservations for the castle. If I do, will you still want to do the 11:00 breakfast?"

Rachel: "Dad, I don't think you're going to be able to get reservations for the castle."

Me: "I mean, you can try, but that's pretty hard to get."

Dad: "What if I already have reservations?"

We scream. And jump up and down and hug our daddy and tell him he's the best daddy in the world.

And we decided to eat at 1900 Park Fare because we were really hungry right then.

If any of you read my "Cross Your Fingers" thread on MB chit-chat, you might remember that I showed my dad a breakfast opening for CRT at 9:30 on Monday. I immediately went downstairs and asked dad if I could book it. He said no. I was a little bummed, but I realized it was expensive and he was doing a lot to take us to WDW for the weekend, anyway.

But at work the next day, Dad went searching for the opening. And he couldn't find the breakfast opening, so he searched every time slot and came up with dinner at 4:20 and booked it. Now, Dad also didn't know that dinner wasn't character dining (we decided not to tell him this until he asked) but that was cool... we were eating in the castle to eat in the castle, not to eat with the princesses.

Ahhh, we have a really good Daddy.

We checked in and then got in line to have our picture taken with Cinderella.

They did not pose us for this picture... we just kind of arranged ourselves around her. We felt that since they knew they'd already sold us the picture that they didn't try very hard to make it look good.

We were then sent up the spiral staircase.

The castle really wasn't girly. It was kind of Medieval Times-feeling. I think a little boy would be very comfortable eating in here... maybe not so much at breakfast when the princesses are circulating the room.

We were seated by the window looking over Fantasyland. I was very excited.

The menu didn't have a lot of choices, but I found something I liked for each course.

I chose the spring roll (pretty good but difficult to eat... I ate all of it, though), pasta (shouldn't have filled up on that spring roll), and chocolate buckle cake (delish!). Rachel got the prime rib. Dad got the salmon. I forget what mom got.

Dad's salmon

My pasta

Rachel cutting her prime rib

Rachel and I both got wands. The little boys got swords.

The pasta was actually pretty good, but I wasn't very hungry and didn't want to stuff myself, so I just ate half. I felt really bad about not cleaning my plate after Dad had spent so much money, but I just couldn't.

Fairy Godmother came out and spoke to us. The mice danced around the room. It was very cute. Then, they rotated around the room and took quick photos - no autographs.

It was really cute because at the table for two beside us, there was a dad with his young daughter... probably around four or five years old. Throughout the meal, he kept trying to convince her that this was really special, but she didn't seem to get it. Poor guy... I know what he went through, booking and paying for this overpriced madness, and his little DD didn't understand how appreciative she should be. There is benefit to waiting until your daughters are fifteen and seventeen to dine in the castle. We weren't only excited to be in the castle, but we were aware of how difficult it is to book CRT and how freakin' expensive it is.

The Fairy Godmother had a birthday celebration while she was out, and they brought birthday cakes to all of us celebrating.

Then, we got our chocolate buckle cakes.

I ate my chocolate buckle cake, and Rachel ate her birthday cake. Our waitor boxed up the cakes we didn't eat.

After dinner, we walked back to BLT. Along the way, Rachel used her magic wand to open automatic and elevator doors.

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