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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Adventure of the Seas Christmas Cruise [Day 3] - St. Maarten

The next morning, we woke up in beautiful St. Maarten! There were six ships in port!!! The weather didn't look too promising, so we decided just to walk to the beach in port, rather than take a cab to Orient Beach.

Day 3

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The beach attendent got us a great spot because he knew of a family that was leaving. We also got chair cushions and an umbrella for free. "Chair cushions and umbrellas are extra." Dad - "But I don't want chair cushions and umbrellas." "Okay, I throw them in for free."

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The umbrellas proved to be handy during random downpours.

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I blame my hair on the wind and rain.

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Our somewhat demonic looking Mickey Mouse...

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Two-fisting it on the way back to the ship...

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Our first cruise was on the Disney Magic when we were 5 and 7 years old!

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As we were leaving this "Eclipse" mega-yacht docked....

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I did a little research, and it belongs to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

Tonight was the Crown & Anchor loyalty party. We wore our Clemson attire.

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The party was held in Studio B (ice rink). It wasn't very well-attended, though. They had done their research and pulled out the three couples who had been cruising the longest - one had spent over a year on a cruise ship.

They also introduced their new ad campaign, "The Sea is Calling" and gave us chocolates with shells on them. It was cute, but I personally think it's a little corny. My all-time favorite RCI marketing campaign is "Get Out There" - so catchy! I wish they would have just stuck with that. At least they're ditching the Nation of Why Not!!!!

The dining room staff serenaded us tonight at dinner....

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Here's what I meant when I said Clemson attire...

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My dad approached someone who he was SURE spoke English. Well, he didn't, so he had to refer my dad to his son.

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I guess it didn't occur to him to flip the camera to take a vertical picture of the Christmas tree. I don't think my dad showed him, either.

This random dude is a Tiger fan!

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Then a crew member offered to take a family picture of us! How sweet! I always LOVE RCI's crew!

Day 3

NEXT: Day 5 - St. John's, Antigua

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